Sarah Palin
Senator John McCain spoke to the crowd during his election night rally in Phoenix, November 4, 2008. U.S. presidential candidate from the Republicans, John McCain had publicly admitted defeat and told his supporters that he had already congratulated his contender Barack Obama on winning. Some supporters of the Republican Party wept, some tried to shout […]
Topics: Barack Obama, Election, John McCain, Politics, Sarah Palin, US |
Struggle for position of White House Chief started long ago. It started so long ago, that most of people don’t remember, who is struggling for presidential position and what was happening all that long months. Let’s try in brief to overview this hot struggle beginning from 2007. You might also like: New US President Barack […]
Topics: Barack Obama, Election, Joe Biden, John McCain, Politics, President, Sarah Palin, U.S. President, US |
John Sidney McCain III was born in 1936 at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone, Panama, to naval officer John S. McCain, Jr. and Roberta (Wright) McCain. He is the senior United States Senator from Arizona and presidential nominee of the Republican Party in the 2008 presidential election. McCain graduated from […]
Topics: Election, John McCain, Political figure, Politics, President, Sarah Palin, U.S. President, US |